World of tanks blitz best tank by tier
World of tanks blitz best tank by tier

world of tanks blitz best tank by tier

Someone suggested the T-44, which makes sense, but it’s so generic as to be slightly boring. In the back of my mind, I wanted to say the T-34-2, but I know the heavy Mediums are an acquired taste not to everyones liking. The Italian has an auto reloader, and the IndyPanzer is perhaps the best all rounder in the game, and it’s also the Baby Löwe. It’s either the P.44 Pantera or the Indien Panzer. Someone said the Tiger II is definitely the best tier VIII Medium, but again there is a small issue with tank types. But likewise, some smartypants is going to point out that’s actually a tier nine Medium, and we’re back to where we started. Okay, then it’s the E50, everyone knows that too.

world of tanks blitz best tank by tier

But it’s also actually a Light tank, and some spoilsport is sure to point that out. The T-54 Lightweight is the best tier VIII Medium everyone knows that. I stumbled across this question today doing my rounds, and it had me stumped, just like it may have you. No one really drives tier VIII Mediums for fun anymore, do they? I mean, outside of grinding? Well, maybe you need to think about that. So which is the best tier VIII Medium tank?

World of tanks blitz best tank by tier